Saturday, February 12, 2022

Review: A Mind of Her Own

A Mind of Her OwnA Mind of Her Own by Paula McLain
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I really liked the premise of the story - the love story between Marie and Pierre Curie! Sure, you could see it as minimizing the story of a great woman by focusing on her relationship with a man; but I was rather focusing on the elevating of a romantic story with an infusion of science and revolving around someone so amazing and intriguing!
However, it was a bit disappointing. While it was mostly well written, a lot of the internal monologue was hinting at Marie Curie's future, but in a way that was completely out of place (it was her "present" voice, talking about the present, but then making allusions to things that would occurs in the future). Also, and more importantly, it was too short - it didn't cover nearly enough to be able to say that this was about their love story - it was only a very brief look at their initial meeting. But the part that was there was good, and was interesting, so I would still recommend it.

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